Stellar M22 IPL/ResurFX™
Request a ConsultationStellar M22 IPL/ResurFX™
Request a ConsultationStellar M22 IPL/ResurFX™
Introducing Stellar M22 IPL/ResurFX™ – Albert Fox Facial Plastic Surgery Center’s new alternative to traditional laser for facial imperfections in patients of differing skin types, ages, and genders. Stellar M22 delivers precision and inspires confidence.
The Stellar M22 IPL/ResurFX™ light treatment system from Lumenis® uses beams of light to stimulate your face’s natural production of collagen and elastic fibers, improving the overall skin appearance. IPL (intense pulsed light) – also called photorejuvenation – heats precisely-targeted areas and can improve pigmentation in cases of sun/age spots, rosacea, vascular lesions, and more. ResurFX™ is fractional non-ablative resurfacing which addresses skin texture, fine lines, pores, and crepey skin.
Both IPL and ResurFX™ were designed to stimulate collagen and gently aid your skin’s natural exfoliation/rejuvenation process. The number of treatments required can vary depending on several factors, including skin type and the issue being treated.
An IPL treatment can take as little as 20 minutes. ResurFX™ treatments include a pre-treatment cream which needs additional time to take full effect, making an appointment around 2 hours; IPL and can be combined with a ResurFX™ appointment. Patients are urged to take precautions with sun exposure, abrasive cleansers, and such (before and after treatments), and are given instructions for post-treatment care. In most cases, patients may return to most daily activities without delay.
Contact us for more information on the Stellar M22 IPL/ResurFX™ light treatment system. Your consultation appointment will help us develop a treatment plan that will maximize the system’s effectiveness for your specific needs.
Browse Stellar M22 IPL/ResurFX™ before and after photos.